Graphic Object Properties
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The Graphic tab displays properties specific to graphic objects.

Because graphic objects can be scaled in the design area, it is sometimes hard to tell what the actual size of the graphic is in relation to what you see on the screen. That is, the actual properties can be very different than the displayed properties of the graphic. The graphic properties described below show the actual properties of the graphic.

Actual Size
- The actual width and height of the graphic in pixels.

Graphic Type
- The type of graphic (BMP, WMF, EMF).

- The size of the graphic in bytes.

Color Depth
- The color depth of the graphic.

Transparent checkbox
-Check this checkbox if you want your graphic to display transparently. The transparent color is the color of the bottom left pixel in the image. Any pixel that has the transparent color will display whatever is "under" it in your design.

Picture... Button
Click this button to change the picture associated with the graphic object.  
See Picking a Graphic  
The following buttons allow you to adjust the size and aspect ration of the graphic:

Correct the aspect ration based on the display width of the graphic.

Correct the aspect ration based on the display height of the graphic.

Adjust the graphic size so it is full size.